Saturday, 8 September 2012

Will Diego Garcia Ever Be Retuned To Its People

Diego Garcia

Diego Garcia is the largest island in the Chagos Archipelago region which lies in the Indian ocean and is halfway between Indonesia and Africa.

The island currently houses a vast US military base, the Chagos Islands population was expelled in the late 1960's, after the USA had leased them from the UK. It is due to expire in 2016.

The inhabitants always believed they would be able to return to their homes. Now it seems the lease will be extended by a further 20 years.(to be agreed by December 2014).

It seems Diego Garcia may never be retuned to its people.

Read Will Diego Garcia Ever Be Retuned To Its People....



Who Would Want The Euro To Fail

Should We Demand A Referendum For Britain To Leave The EU?

Bankers,Banksters, Gangsters And Pranksters

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Will A Cold Bath Help You Lose Weight?

 A Cold Bath

Why would any body want to take a cold bath? Most of us look forward to a nice warm bath at the end of the day, it is the perfect way to relax and unwind after a hard days work.
Well why would a cold bath be good for you? It seems that taking a cold bath may help you lose weight.

Brown Fat

Losing weight has now become a science, and some scientists believe brown fat is essential to losing weight.

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Three Healthy Superfoods To Keep You Young

Keep Young Foods

If you believe in "you are what you eat", then why not  try some  healthy superfoods that will keep you looking young and youthful. These three foods are quite  simple easy to find and cook. Here are three of the best youth giving foods.

1. A Salad of Watercress,Rocket and Spinach.

These glorious green leaves can even be grown at home to give you an added freshness. Spinach has long been known as a superfood and it is high in many vitamins and iron. combined with the rocket and watercress these leaves will  help you keep a glowing skin and strengthen your bones.

It is easy to make a simple salad with an olive oil and lemon dressing, adding some crunchy peppers and a little goats cheese. In winter try making a soup with sweet potato.

2.Mackerel and Salmon 

These two fishes are very high source of  omega-3 oils which are great for keeping a super smooth skin. There are many varieties of recipes for salmon and mackerel and should try to eat them at least twice a week.

Salmon is excellent grilled or steamed after marinating with lemon juice and herbs. Likewise with mackerel, or you could be more adventurous and try some asian recipes with chillies and ginger.


Cherries are a low calorie fruit that contain the anti-inflammatory quercetin and sleep promoting melatonin.They are also high in potassium, which is good for building muscles.

Cherries are delicious eaten fresh or even dried.You could also try some of the refreshing cherry juices.


Low Fat and Reduced Fat-What's The Difference?

Which Nuts are Best for You?-Healthy Nuts

I Never Promised You a Herb Garden

Monday, 13 August 2012

What Will Happen To Your Money If The Euro Fails

Euro Money

It maybe not if the euro fails, but when the euro fails.The euro seems to be doomed in many peoples eyes and if you have your investments or money tied to the euro you will want to know what will happen to your cash.

The European Union is fighting hard to save the euro, but can we really believe that no country will pullout of the euro.

Greece looks likely that if any country drops the euro , they will be the first to revert back to their original currency, the drachma.

The Euro and Your Money

No matter how many bail outs we have, and the optimistic and upbeat news we are fed from the media, we are surely just witnessing a currency in decline......

Read more.What Will Happen To Your Money If The Euro Fails


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Why There Will Never Be A Full Enquiry Into The Banking Scandals

Do We Need An Enquiry Into The Banking Scandals

As yet another banking scandal hits the headlines , the manipulation of interest rates which has caused more misery for the average citizen and leading to an even greater mistrust of the banking system today.

What the people who have placed their trust in banks need to know is are they going to be protected from the rogues with a full enquiry into the banking scandals.There is a distinct reluctance from the British Government to hold a full enquiry into the bankers deception.


"Where there is power there is corruption; where there is absolute power there is absolute corruption."

Read: Why There Will Never Be A Full Enquiry Into The Banking Scandals.



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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Do Germany Want To Take Over Europe?

Europe Takeover

Germany it seems are the leaders of Europe,they are dictating to the struggling Spain and Greece as they attempt to overcome their Euro woes as they and other Euro members continue the bail out.

Are Germany plotting to take over Europe or have they always intended to take over the sovereign Nations and gain fiscal control over the member states of the European Union.

European Single State

Brussels, the seemingly quiet Belgian city is the bona fide base of the EU. Here the zealots that are intent on creating a single state to rule over are having their task made easier, as the euro crisis grips the weaker countries tightening the screw on their weak economies........


Read Do Germany Want To Take Over Europe?


Friday, 6 July 2012

Bankers,Banksters, Gangsters And Pranksters

Bankers And Banking

Gangsters,pranksters,banksters and bankers.It does not matter how you order these words or your particular use for them, they can all be used in the glorious world of banking.The very heart of our capitalist society today.

With yet another banking scandal breaking , it is the customers who are suffering from the greedy banksters lust for profit.

So in title order what do these terms mean.

Read more on: Bankers,Banksters, Gangsters And Pranksters


Who Would Want The Euro To Fail

Should We Demand A Referendum For Britain To Leave The EU?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Buying and Selling Hitler-The Nazi Collectibles

free content

German Fuhrer

Adolph Hitler may have departed this world, but due to the part he played in world history his presence on this earth will never be forgotten.Hitler is still written about in many books, and still visible in many war documentaries.

A quick search on ebay reveals to me there are over 12,000 items for sale related to the searchHitler.However this does not include any of Hitlers personal artefacts such as his cigarette case,personalised cutlery, spectacles and a Youth badge encrusted with diamonds.

The above items were withdrawn from a German auction house sale in October 2011 following severe objections from The European Jewish Congress led by president Moshe Kantor; stating that glorifying such items from this dark and sinister era would corrupt young Germans and Europeans about the Holocaust.

Read Buying and Selling Hitler-The Nazi Collectibles.

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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Top-Ten Random Quotes

  1. The deepest you is the nothing side, is the side which you don't know.  Alan Watts.
  2. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.  Salvadore Dali.
  3. Sometimes I think the surest sign that that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.  Bill Watterson.
  4. What is essential is invisible to the eye.  Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
  5. You've made your bed,now go bounce on it.  Peter Scott.
  6. The garden is so ferociously sexy at night, it's almost lurid.  Anne Raver.
  7. You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.  Ayn Rand.
  8. We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.  Epictetus.
  9. I would have made a good Pope.  Richard Nixon.
  10. If you fall out of that window and break your legs don't come running to me.  Groucho Marx.



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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Posterous-Easy To Post for Bloggers And Writers

About Posterous

How would you like an easy way to share articles, ideas, photos,videos and much more with your friends and communities.Posterous. com was founded in San Francisco in 2008 and has now been taken over by the social networking site twitter.It is seen as and ideal site for both new and experienced bloggers.

Posterous is not unlike most other blogging platforms, it is designed to make posting easy and although it is not something I have used it is particularly structured for use from your mobile.You can make posts via the web or e-mail.

The site is easy to navigate and you can upload multiple files of video pictures or audio with the easy to use media attachments. All in all I found the dashboard user-friendly and the site has may useful and advantageous applications.

Posterous has a great multi-post feature.

Read, Posterous-Easy To Post for Bloggers And Writers

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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Keep Well And Carry On

 How To Keep Well was first published during World War II by the Ministry of Health and Information.They were determined to ensure we carried out the basic routines that would keep us healthy during those years of austerity and hardship.They did not want to waste time or valuable resources, the basic message was to Keep Calm and Carry On.

So will those simple tips that were drummed into people during the 1940's help us to develop healthy habits today.The Ministries kept the messages brief and focused on the population using their common sense.

Read Keep Well And Carry On


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Friday, 15 June 2012

The Rotten Fruit ?-Is Fruit Sugar Bad For Your Health

The Rotten Fruit ?

In the United States the recent concen over the use of fructose corn syrup has led  to it being  branded as the devils candy- and many  irate parents are declaring they don’t want their children eating corn syrup in their food.

Here in Britain, the Food Standards Agency  do not regard fructose corn syrup as an additive and is classed as thick sugar, not widely used and not a danger to your health.A quick look in my local supermarket and I find it is used in many brands of cakes ,biscuits, yoghurts,ice-cream and many energy drinks.

Corn Syrup is a natural healthy sweetening product and derived directly from fruit. it is added to many processed foods we buy, but now food experts believe fructose is linked to cancer,dementia, heart disease,diabetes and kidney damage.

Read more..The Rotten Fruit ?-Is Fruit Sugar Bad For Your Health

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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Stay Sharp - How To Sharpen A Knife

There are many ways to sharpen a knife. The traditional honing steel is the easy way to keep your knives sharp,here is an easy step by step guide to sharpening your knives.

Keeping A Sharp Knife

Whilst  recently carving my latest roast joint of beef,I realized I was making a hash of it again.The reason being the knife I was using was not a sharp as it should be.The solution I always used to use was simply to go out and by a new knife, rather than sharpen the knife.

Well apparently I have now been informed you should be sharpening your knives every time you come to use them.So what is the best way to sharpen a knife.

Honing Steel

A stone is probably the best  for grinding a well used knife,but for home use a honing steel is a perfectly good method.A honing steel is basically a rod of hardened steel,and ingrained with tungsten or diamond grit, they will last a long time.After cleaning  in soapy water, they should be dried thoroughly.

My earliest memory of a honing steel is of my father sharpening the carving knife using a criss cross technique.Here is a chefs routine for sharpening a knife.

How To Sharpen A Knife

  • Firstly lay a damp cloth on your work surface or chopping board keep a small amount of pressure on the handle of the knife sharpener,but don't press down too hard.The cloth will stop it from slipping.
  • Pick up your knife in the other hand and firstly place the heel of the knife(the thickest end)of the blade nearest the handle end of the sharpener, with the blade at a 15-20 degree angle to the rough sharpening surface of the steel.
  • Pull the knife towards you running the blade of the knife down the honing steel.This should be completed in a swift movement,so as the tip of the knife finishes at the tip of the sharpener.
    knife sharpening
  • You should proceed with these sweeping movements,alternating on each side of the knife blade until you consider the knife to be sharp enough.
  • Next is quite an important part that some people forget:make sure you wipe the blade of the knife to remove any metal filings that mat have accumulated.
  • Now you can test how sharp your knife is by testing it on a root vegetable such as a carrot.Now you should have a knife sharp enough for any job in the kitchen.

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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

I Never Promised You a Herb Garden-How Easy is it To Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables

I Never Promised You a Herb Garden-How Easy is it To Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables

Fresh fruit and vegetables
Fresh fruit and vegetables

Home Grown

It is now become fashionable again to grow your own fruit and veg,maybe it is because of the recession or we don't trust much of the food we buy from supermarkets.
As I survey my small Autumn vegetable plot of sprouts, cabbage,broccoli and Spanish onions all is looking green and grand, but what will it bring us in late Winter and Spring.Is it really so easy to grow your own fruit and vegetables?

Monday, 9 January 2012

Buy The Best Lloyd Loom Furniture

Buy The Best Lloyd Loom Furniture

Lloyd Loom

Lloyd Loom furniture is actually made from paper and wire, although it actually looks like rattan.
Lloyd Loom furniture has been in the grandest of hotels and the great ocean liners,.Although It has been seen in the Royal Box at Wimbledon , many people still envisage the chairs with an old lady asleep in them but the modern range would liven up any home.